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Showing posts from November, 2015

Vulnerabilities in Voice Biometrics

The following vulnerabilities are found in voice biometrics: Replay: The biggest concern is the replay attack. Hackers might attempt to gain unauthorized access to a voice authenticated system by playing back a pre-recorded voice sample from an authorized user. Need to implement proper anti-replay/ spoofing measures. Voiceprint re-enrollment (Social Engineering): The malicious user claims to the contact center agent that they are unable to authenticate with their voice, and that their voiceprint needs to be re-enrolled. If the agent complies, a fraudster can be enrolled in the system and be provided with access to a legitimate account. Brute Force attack: This attack consists of a fraudster calling the IVR or call center numerous times until their voice is mistakenly accepted by the voice biometric system as belonging to a legitimate account holder. Vulnerability testing conducted on deployed voice biometric systems indicates that the rate of a success of a brute force attack is...