No joke...No indecent word either...it's Certified Application Security Specailist (Certified ASS).
A new certification for Application Security professionals. And the attractive feature of the certification is you need not take any exam. The main features of the certification is:
1. No need to study - Candidates use our exclusive certification process to prove their Stated History of Individual Training via self-validation, which reflects their real-world experiences.
2. No need to take exams - After self validation, candidates agree to the Oath of Office and Code of Ethics. This process ensures only the most experienced ASS achieve certified status, without the need for a test.
3. Lowest Cost - There is no cost to become a Certified ASS! While many candidates have long been considered ASS's, they can now validate that claim with true certification at no cost.
4. Reflects the real world of security - By eliminating costly training programs and standardized tests, the Institute created a process that matches the standard management, processes for enterprise application security, and consistent with today's industry best-practices.
Check yourself at : http://www.asscert.com/
A new certification for Application Security professionals. And the attractive feature of the certification is you need not take any exam. The main features of the certification is:
1. No need to study - Candidates use our exclusive certification process to prove their Stated History of Individual Training via self-validation, which reflects their real-world experiences.
2. No need to take exams - After self validation, candidates agree to the Oath of Office and Code of Ethics. This process ensures only the most experienced ASS achieve certified status, without the need for a test.
3. Lowest Cost - There is no cost to become a Certified ASS! While many candidates have long been considered ASS's, they can now validate that claim with true certification at no cost.
4. Reflects the real world of security - By eliminating costly training programs and standardized tests, the Institute created a process that matches the standard management, processes for enterprise application security, and consistent with today's industry best-practices.
Check yourself at : http://www.asscert.com/
Did u notice that the email id poits to a gmail address?
I appreciate the way they have articulated!