At last Google responded to my two queries today. I have been receiving a lot of mails from them but this one is substantial.
First was in response with the issue I once arose with Yahoo also and second one was in response with my advisory written to Google. They say that once has also posted something like this in their blog. Some where they nearly accepts the things and some where underestimate as n non security issue. But I think..Security or Non security issue the implementation is wrong.Anyways I am happy they have given some reasonable answer.
Hi Nilesh,
Hope all is well with you. Chris here from Google's Security Team. A colleague of mine pointed out you have reported various security issues to us recently. Thank you very much for taking the time to do that, and I wanted to let you know where they stand.
1) Logout XSRF.
We will continue to track this, but as a low priority.
Unfortunately, logout XSRF is kind of endemic to the way the web works. For example, there's an attack you could term "cookie stuffing" whereby bombarding the victim's browser will knock out cookies for authenticated sites and effectively log the user out. There are other attacks that make it of questionable benefit to address this on Google's end.
2) Images redirector
Your report appears to be similar to a 2008 public discussed thread that we are tracking:
The simple version is clearly framed as an external-to-Google result, but the powerful twist is having a child iframe use Javascript to change the location of the top frame. This situation needs new iframe option support in the major browsers, which we're starting to see a move towards.
We always monitor for redirector abuse and will act if we see any prior to the browser makers fixing up their model in this area.
Good mindset though, we appreciate it!
First was in response with the issue I once arose with Yahoo also and second one was in response with my advisory written to Google. They say that once has also posted something like this in their blog. Some where they nearly accepts the things and some where underestimate as n non security issue. But I think..Security or Non security issue the implementation is wrong.Anyways I am happy they have given some reasonable answer.
Hi Nilesh,
Hope all is well with you. Chris here from Google's Security Team. A colleague of mine pointed out you have reported various security issues to us recently. Thank you very much for taking the time to do that, and I wanted to let you know where they stand.
1) Logout XSRF.
We will continue to track this, but as a low priority.
Unfortunately, logout XSRF is kind of endemic to the way the web works. For example, there's an attack you could term "cookie stuffing" whereby bombarding the victim's browser will knock out cookies for authenticated sites and effectively log the user out. There are other attacks that make it of questionable benefit to address this on Google's end.
2) Images redirector
Your report appears to be similar to a 2008 public discussed thread that we are tracking:
The simple version is clearly framed as an external-to-Google result, but the powerful twist is having a child iframe use Javascript to change the location of the top frame. This situation needs new iframe option support in the major browsers, which we're starting to see a move towards.
We always monitor for redirector abuse and will act if we see any prior to the browser makers fixing up their model in this area.
Good mindset though, we appreciate it!
Chris, Google Security Team